The Cyprus Futures scenarios are stories about what could happen in the future... They are not stories about what will happen (forecasts) or what should happen (proposals or recommendations). The scenarios consider the period from 2022 to 2035 in and around Cyprus, including relevant political, economic, social, cultural, environmental, and international dynamics. They were created in 2022 by a diverse group of 36 individual Cypriots, who represent a cross-section of Cypriot society.
Learn about the process, methods and team
Read through and learn about the four scenarios

Cyprus is a beautiful, yet divided island. With social, economic, geo-political, religious and ethnic tensions rooted in its complex history and which remain unresolved to this day, many people in Cyprus feel the current situation is stuck. In the decades of efforts to address and solve the Cyprus problem and navigate the future of the island, many worthy endeavors have been made to initiate, support, or implement initiatives and solutions.
The Cyprus Transformative Scenarios Process (TSP) builds on the notable efforts in past decades. It is distinctive in many respects, chiefly the fact that it does not promote a specific solution, and it looks at the multiple concerns of Cypriots today including but also beyond the Cyprus problem. It is an effort by Cypriots from across society to explore and discuss their whole future together.
The assignment of the Scenario Team was to create stories of the future of Cyprus that would be convincing, taking into consideration the realities of the world today. They were not asked to dream and engage in wishful thinking, but rather to create a set of stories that are plausible. They were also asked to make sure these stories would be relevant to the things that Cypriots are concerned about today, and at the same time challenging, presenting new perspectives and angles and bringing underlying issues to the surface.
The aim is for these scenarios to be useful in a wide and inclusive strategic conversation in and around Cyprus to address the challenges facing the island. They offer a map of the possible future landscape of Cyprus and a common language to support fresh and informed dialogue. The publication of the scenarios is not the end of the Cyprus Futures conversation, it is intended to be the beginning.